Learn how to enjoy the city of Rome
A tour in Rome followed by a professional photographer
Get your tour and set a walking in Rome and a photo book as present for you
Ivan and Simona 2017 summer
A weekend in the sun!
Sun kisses the nice ones
2018 spring
Greatings from Rome
Baci da Roma!
From the Giardino degli aranci terrace
Kisses from Rome
...aside the tevere that was going slowly slowly
Aperitif on the roman roofs
Rome and its bridges
Give yourself a tour made by you from scratch
Enjoy all the roman beauties and all the experiences included in the tour
While you come back home we take care of your pictures
Do not limitate your memory to be digital, make it real on the paper, ask for a printing
It was an unforgettable walking, a unique experience and a perfect gift
Click on the section that represents you
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